Feel the real taste! Yamuna

Selected raw materials
Raw material of the highest quality, which has passed certification and meets all quality and safety criteria.
Advanced technologies
Modern production The full cycle of product processing and production complies with the ISO 22000 international standard.
Wide assortment
We have a huge selection of seasonings and spices from different countries that complement the dish with an unforgettable taste and aroma.
Quality control
Raw materials undergo multi-level cleaning: mechanical and magnetic separation, calibration and sterilization.


Interesting about
Рецепт домашнього зефіру

Сироп :
50 г води
250 г цукрової пудри
8 г агар-агар
250 г пюре вишні

60 г білка
Лимонна кислота
50 г цукрової пудри

Для посипки:
1 ч л крохмалю
3 ч л цукрової пудри

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